Sunday, 20 October 2013

Salford Zine Library Visits Sheffield!

We're taking the zine library on the road! Or at least some of the zine library. And we're going by train. Anyway, on November 2nd we'll be carrying a hefty chunk of the zines in the library over the Pennines to Sheffield for a zine fair and zine making workshop at Bank Street Arts.

The zine fair starts at 11am and, as well as being able to have a look at our collection, you'll be able to buy some zines from some ace local zinesters too! We're going to be setting up a little 'reading room' area so you can relax with a pile of your favourite zines. Then from 2pm there's a FREE zine making workshop, which will be running until 8pm (You don't have to stay that long if you don't want to, though!). It should be loads of fun!

Places on the workshop are limited, so booking is encouraged. Do that and find out more information about the day by clicking here. Also, if you're coming to along, remember to bring some donations for us! We're always dead grateful to receive new zines to add to the collection.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

New in: English Chicago Review Issue 3

Issue three of The English Chicago Review features poetry from Rowland Bagnall, Rebecca Bird, Jonathan Butcher, Jim Conwell, Alan Corkish, Anthony Costello, Craig Coyle, Stephen Devereux, Doug Draime, Brett Evans, Andy Fletcher, Chris Hardy, Aideen Henry, Richard Hughes, Nigel Jarrett, Allan Johnston, PD Lyons, Mary McCollum, Tim McLafferty, Ottilie Mulzet, Robert Nisbet, Jon Plunkett, Laura Potts, Wendy Pratt, Kieran Setright, Maria Taylor and Lucy Winrow.

New in: Hand Job Issue Two

"Hand Job is a literary zine that has a range of poetry and short stories from around the UK, as well as sporadic illustrations throughout. Issue 2 features writing on a range of subjects, from OFSTED, to people drowning."

New in: Glad to See the Back of You

"Glad to See the Back of You" is a photography zine about punk jackets by Ricky Adam.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Let's talk about classification

Hey! At some point in the near future we want to organise a 'classification party'. Basically, we'll get loads of people to come down to the library and help us sort the collection into broad genres or categories. It'll make it so much easier to find stuff! The plan is that there'll be some nice music and cake and cups of tea available and things like that.

Before that, though, it'd be really useful to get an idea of what genres/categories you all think would be appropriate. They have to be fairly broad, but not so broad that they're completely meaningless. Any ideas anyone?

- Sport
- Poetry
- Music (Maybe this needs to be divided into narrower categories?)
- Environment
- Politics
- Personal
- Compilation
- Photography
- Illustration
- Health
- Comics

Any other ideas would be appreciated! Feel free to tell me some of those aren't necessary too. Also, it'd be great if you could tell people you know who are interested in zines to join this group. Then we can have more people involved in the discussion/party and it'll be even more fun. Comments on this post and our Facebook, tweets to @SalfordZineLib, or emails to salford zine library at gmail dot come would be very gratefully received. And if the idea of a classification party sounds like fun to you, keep your eyes peeled for more info! I'll update the discussion as we go along at the bottom of this post.

Update 7/10/2013: It's been suggested that there might be too many categories here. Do we think that we're better off with a less is more kind of approach? If so, what do you think the core categories are?

New in: Reading Between the Lines Volume One

Reading Between the Lines, by Robert Shaw, is "a collection of illustrated quotes from various types of media, but mainly movies". All your favourite movie quotes, illustrated.

Guess the name of the film!

New in: Time

"Time I is a continuation of a zine I published in 2001, using journal entries from 2013. The entries within cover everything from having moved here in 2012, the personalities I encounter at my job and in my personal life, the way ideas circulate on the Internet, unsent letters to friends, letters sent by friends, countless postscripts, functioning in the real world at a distant reserve, and more."

New in: Organelle

Elliot Coffin, a contributor to 2000% Buttitude, brings us Organelle - a "passage through the body". Organelle is screen printed and pictures of the inside are available here.

New in: 2000% Buttitude

2000% Buttitude is "an enquiry into the landscape of the human form" - or loads of nice illustrations of naked people - by the Naked Exhibitionists. Includes contributions from:

New in: Death is When the Monsters Get You

Death is When the Monsters Get You is a comp fanzine all about Stephen King novels/films, with contributions by Cath Elms, Rebecca McCormick, Martin Appleby and Elm Williams.

Copies of the zine can be bought by contacting the editor at or by tweeting @polygluttony.

New in: Vee is for Vulva #1 and It's Uter-Us Not Uter-You #1

Two pocket sized zines containing fun (and not so fun) facts about vulvas (vulvae?) and uturi. 

New in: Usual Suspect issue number 7.5

Usual Suspect 7.5 is a zine by Dave Gurz, who lives in Old Forge, Pennsylvania. It contains some cool essays about punk rock and zines. 

New in: Sticky Sounds Volume 5 + 6

Two issues of Sticky Sounds arrived together, oh boy! Both volumes contain loads of music stuff, interviews, illustrations, essays and short stories. Volume six is a bumper sized version and includes interviews with loads of different zine editors about why they make zines and things like that.

New in: Un Deg Un Rhymes With Bean Egg Bean 'Zine #1

Tiny pocket sized zine about Un Deg Un, a pop-up arts centre at 11 Regent Street, Wrexham. The arts centre is run by THIS project, a local arts organisation, in partnership with Leeds-based arts charity East Street Arts. It features photography by Sue McGrane and artwork by Paintpotface.

New in: Alligator #2

Okay, so this isn't technically "new in". It came in ages ago but it got mislaid somewhere along the way, sorry! Better late than never. It's by Paul Gallagher, who contributed an illustration to the issue of Shrieking Violet we received recently.

"Alligator is an anthology zine of comics and illustrations by Manchester student Paul Gallagher. The work is influenced by cartoons, as well as underground comics, outsider/folk art and TV shows, to get more information and examples of his work go to".